This is a complete side note to the city named after Alexander the Great, Alexandria. The following is the list of things we saw from our itinerary.
1. A quasi ghetto safari that had the exotic dalmation dog in a cage
2. The Catacombs wherein the Greeks buried the dead and the Christains hid
3. Pompei's Pillar, which was misnamed
4. The Roman Ampitheater with a really cool echo spot
5. King Farooq's private beach in Monteza, specifically the Venice Beach
6. The Green Center Mall Plaza
7. The Fortress in place of Alexander the Great's Lighthouse
8. The new library
9. The Fish Market Restaurant
10. A ride in a boat into the Mediterranean Sea
My camera ran out of battery during the Fortress and thus nothing from 8 and on can be viewed. I apologize. I'll borrow the ones I asked my friends to take on my behalf. They laugh at me for it, but I have a blog to maintain. Shukran,
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