Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Halloween? Feign?

It's Halloween today and not a trace of it is on the Egyptian landscape, not even at AUC. I was surprised that despite the great extent to which AUC and its students are westernized, there were no costumes on campus. This is where some of the cultural differences may lie. The fact that they aren't celebrating this pagan holiday doesn't make me that sad but I know I will be if we continue into Thanksgiving and I have no turkey. Thanksgiving is something the world, I feel, should and could umbrella under. Oh, we'll see. My friends, though, are throwing a halloween party, so I'll probably catch a glimpse of it tonight.

The "feign" part in the title has a double entandra. Feign transliterated in Arabic means where and feign in English is faking it. We are forced to fake halloween here cause we don't know where it is. It took me a while to get down feign and distinguish it from the Egyptian colloquial, min-ain, but I'm slowly getting this Arabic language down. It's particularly exciting when I read the Quran and can sometimes nearly translate entire verses. cool. ishta. kuwaiya-sawee.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Keep working on your Arabic! I can see why learning it would be so rewarding for you.